




  • 2016/12~2017/8 免簽證費,但仍須辦理簽證 (原為新台幣 1,200 元)
  • 2016/12~2017/8 若沒有事先辦理簽證,可用落地簽證的方式辦理,費用半價優惠為 1,000 泰銖 (原本 2016/9 起為 2,000 泰銖)

目前泰國經貿辦事處的網站已更新資訊,比起之前的規定要注意的是下列各項,其餘與舊版差異不大 (2016/12前辦理泰國簽證、落地簽流程請參閱泰國簽證、落地簽申請教學)

  • 個人申請申請時間為 2017/3/1~8/31每日 9:00~10:30 (個人申請案件)、9:00~9:30 (旅行業者申請)
  • 領件於第2個工作天 16:00~17:00 領取
  • 必須附上已繳費之英文版機票 (每本護照需對應一份機票,不得共用)
  • 效期6個月以上的護照正本、身分證正反面影本、簽證申請表、六個月內兩吋彩色白底大頭照1張


原文 (來源 Thai PBS)

The cabinet on Tuesday agreed to extend the exemption of visa fees for tourists from 21 countries who apply for visas at Thai embassies or consular offices for an addition of six months from March 1 to August 31.

Visa fees amount to 1,000 baht per one application.

Also extended for another six months is the reduction of fees of visa upon arrival (VoA) for tourists from 21 countries which are currently set at 1,000 baht for one single visa.

The extension of the period for the waiving of visa fees and reduction of visa fees for VoA for the tourists from 21 countries is intended to boost tourism industry in the country as recommended by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports.

Tourist arrivals last year increased 12.4 percent compared to the statistics a year before.

The 21 countries benefiting from this arrangement are Andorra, Bulgaria, Bhutan, China, Cyprus, Ethiopia, India, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Maldives, Malta, San Mario, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Papua New Guinea and Fiji.


資料來源:Thai PBS、泰國經貿辦事處

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